Puppy Purchase Agreement
This agreement is made this _______ day of ______________________, ___________, and is between the breeder (seller) and the buyer as named below:
Breeder (seller): Idaho Shorthairs, Derrick Oxnam
Seller and Buyer are collectively known as “parties”.
The buyer agrees to obtain from the seller a German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP).
Sex: Male / Female
AKC Litter #___________________ Date of birth: __________________________
Deposit Amount: $________________
Balance Due at Pickup: $________________
Total Amount: $________________
Sire: _______________________________ Dam: _________________________________
This GSP comes from our kennel in Emmett, ID
This dog is sold as a Pet. Pet quality simply refers to the dog being sold as a pet and companion only. This dog has a long pedigree of hunt test and trial success and has reasonable genetics to become a hunting companion. However, due to numerous errors in or neglect of training or handling that can occur during this dogs growth and development, no warranty is made by Idaho Shorthairs that this dog will be developed into a hunting, field test, or trial dog.
This dog is not being sold under co-ownership terms. Payment in full must be made prior to you taking ownership of the dog, payment is in cash, credit card payment, or agreed to terms of barter for:_______________________________________________________________________.
Health Guarantee:
The seller certifies that, upon receipt, the dog is in good health and has been immunized and wormed according to the accompanying heath records of said GSP. This dog has the following conditions at this time ___________________________________________________________ and those conditions are excluded from any guarantee and are not valid to reject the puppy due to these conditions.
The buyer agrees to have the dog examined by buyer’s veterinarian at buyer’s expense within 3 days from the date of purchase. If the veterinarian does not give the dog a clean bill of health, buyer must notify the seller immediately to arrange for the return of the dog and refund of the full purchase price of the dog. In the event that the buyer refuses to return the dog to the seller for full refund and treatment, Idaho Shorthairs assumes no financial legal obligation and will not reimburse or pay for any treatments, medications, or medical services incurred by the buyer, now or in the future.
Seller does not accept responsibility for contagious diseases diagnosed after 3 days from the date of purchase. Hip and elbow dysplasia is covered for 2 years from the date of purchase with the same conditions as above in effect. Heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration and other heat-related conditions are not covered in any way. Remember that a GSP can overheat quickly and easily and may die as a result of over-heating. The dog must be monitored during activity to ensure proper hydration and body temperature.
Refunds and Returns:
There are no refunds on dog for anything except medical related issues that have been discovered and verified in writing by a veterinarian and confirmed at seller request by seller’s veterinarian. Under certain circumstances, the seller may choose to accept the return of the puppy in order to rehome it, but this is at the sole discretion of the seller due to the numerous risks of bringing a dog that has not been quarantined back into the seller’s kennel. Buyer understands that there will be no refunds, even in the event of the return of the puppy, unless the situation falls under the seller’s health guarantee.
The Buyer’s Responsibility:
The Buyer agrees to take good care of this dog, feed and house the dog properly, maintain shots, and control the dog at all times. The dog’s outdoor area will be fenced in and secure or acceptable provisions will be made to assure the dog is safe anytime he/she is outdoors. Buyer agrees to give the dog proper physical and emotional care and welfare. If the dog is found to be allowed to run freely, running at large, creating a public nuisance, or found to be neglected, abused or allowed to live in poor health or poor conditions the Seller has all rights to repossession of this dog with no refund to the buyer. The death, injury or loss of said dog due to theft, carelessness, recklessness, abuse, neglect, heat stroke or accident will not entitle the buyer to any compensation from the seller.
This dog is warranted only for the purpose of being a companion animal, not for any other purpose or reasons. No warranty is given to the buyer for any special purpose or function of this dog. This dog is not to be used for any illegal or immoral activities and is not to be used for any type of puppymill, dog farm or other mass producing or money making operation. This dog is sold with limited registration (unless otherwise noted).
This dog has received its first vaccination shot against life-threatening viruses such as parvovirus and canine distemper. This is the first shot in a sequence of shots that must be repeated every 3 weeks until 16 weeks of age, according to vaccine manufacturers recommendations, or as directed by buyer’s veterinarian. Failure to complete the full vaccination sequence will leave the puppy vulnerable and susceptible to life-threatening viruses. A record of the specific shot and date given has been transferred to the buyer. Buyer understands the importance of and agrees to maintain current vaccinations. The dog has also been wormed and buyer understands that worming should be continued according to veterinarian and manufacturers recommendations. Current medication recommends that dosing be repeated every two weeks until 10 weeks of age. Failure to worm dog properly will jeopardize dog’s health. Record of worming has been transferred.
In the event the buyer is unable to keep this dog for any reason, the Buyer agrees to offer to the Seller the first chance to take this dog back. Any changes to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. This contract is legal and may be enforced by legal means at the buyer’s expense and all disputes must be settled in the state of Idaho. This dog is sold to you as a pet only and nothing further.
The AKC Registration paperwork, health and shot records, and copy of Puppy Purchase Agreement for this dog have been transferred to the buyer. Enjoy your new GSP!
This is the entire agreement (4 pages) between the parties and is valid and agreed to by all parties. All parties have read and understood and agreed to this contract in full by signing below.
Seller (breeder):_________________________ date:__________
Derrick Oxnam, Idaho Shorthairs
Buyer Signature: ____________________________________ date:____________
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________