Daisy Puppies – 7 Weeks
It’s so fun to see them showing off their instinct to point.
Daisy’s Puppies – 6.5 Weeks – Pointing
Play time with the wing.
Daisy Puppies – 6 Weeks – No Hesitation
They are growing physically and in their confidence, not a problem pushing through the heavy grass.
Daisy’s Puppies – 5 Weeks
The puppies are doing really well and they’re getting braver every day. It was funny watching some of them think twice about charging through the tall grass. They love climbing on us and playing around. They are becoming more and more fun.
Daisy’s Puppies – 4 Weeks
Puppies are doing great and growing fast. I took them out to the orchard so they could experience some longer grass. You can see how they are initially unsure and a little clumsy learning to navigate the new terrain.