Share Your Pictures and Stories

We really enjoy watching your puppies grow and develop into wonderful companions. Rather than texting or emailing those updates as we have done in the past, I hope you will take the opportunity to share them on this page so that everyone can enjoy the progress of your little German shorthaired pointer. These posts and pictures serve as great testimonials for those that are trying to decide where to purchase their next puppy. Please share your pictures and stories through this simple form. All posts are manually approved and will generally be posted within a couple days.

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Grady’s First Season

Once again I want to thank you for the great pup. Grady turned 11 months this month and has been an exceptional dog. He does it all already. We’ll be doing a little fine tuning this spring as will my older dog Jake but we could go on just the way they are and I wouldn’t complain.   Grady got out on 69 chukar hunts this year and had well over 300 points and half that many retrieves.  As you can see by the pictures he is solid on point, honors well and loves to retrieve. Once again, this great dog came from the great job you did in his first 8 weeks.

Thanks and enjoy some pictures of some great chukar dog’s. This is just a few of the shots from January.  Not bad for an eleven-month-old dog.

Larry (Tuckers Chukars

Violet~ Happy Customers

Violet is now 6 months old and is the most wonderful puppy I could have ever asked for. She has been such a joy to have in my life and has become a well-loved member of our family!

We had a slight hiccup when she was 9 weeks old that resulted in a broken back leg. Our vet was absolutely amazing, and every time she had a splint change they did a new fun design (hearts, butterflies, bumblebees, caterpillars). After 4 weeks in a splint and in the cone of shame, she was all healed up (although she didn’t really let the splint slow her down)

I’ve attached some pictures of her from the last few months! Huge thank you to Derrick for being so helpful and for providing such wonderful companions. We cannot wait until we are ready to add another German Shorthair to our family. 🙂




Here’s a short video of his first trip to chukar country with Jake.​
Larry Szurgot



Tucker (Frosted Ear from Josie X Caesar) has made it home and is doing really well! He is having fun exploring his new stomping grounds, and is the cutest sleeper I’ve ever seen. We look forward to sharing more photos as his training progresses!




Luna is 10 months now and has had an incredible first hunting season. She earned multiple pheasant limits even before six months of age and probably had 75 bird shot over her. She is full of energy, full of bird drive and covers a ton of ground. Luna will be working on finishing her retrieve in the off season. What a first year for this pup. Now if we could only stop the counter shopping…lol




A year and 3 months old and hunting like a champ! Never hunted with a dog this awesome before! Incredible instinct. Very pleased and impressed with our dog. Thank you! Pictures from September partridge hunting to pheasant hunting Thanksgiving and then Christmas.
